Saturday, June 10, 2017

Im back...oh yes

I was on haitus for the past few months. I cant say that Im back to my old self, its seems that I was so busy. Im living a normal life now, very seldom that I felt that something strange is on me. I felt like I have to continue living my life. I can still push through with my dreams like before.

I am anticipating my second year of ARV treatment. I never felt so sick for the past year. No colds, no fever. I hope this will continue until the time the Lord wants me too. But I couldn't help but to prepare myself from the end...I know I have too. Of course all of us will die eventually, but for me, I know, what might be my end.

So sad it is but its normal. I hope I can make myself spiritually prepared too. That's what I am missing. I want to be religious again. Im seem to forget if. I know in my heart how my faith s but I have to find ways and time to talk to my savior.

I like to be active on blogging again. I hope I can find time again. Fingers crossed